7 things to get rid from your life

❤️ 7 things to get rid from your life

Every change starts from the inside out.

The world is changing because you are changing. Not the other way around. YES! We are moving forward, but it is important to take our new selves forward. And for our new self, it’s essential to get rid of these 7 things. They would be a pointless burden on the road.

Here are 7 things to get rid from your life:

1. Criticism of yourself and others

It’s time to revise this habit, which only drains your energy. It doesn’t matter if you criticize mentally or aloud. Criticism is only needed for discovering and analyzing what you need to keep working on. It is a constructive critique. BUT! When it becomes a relentless river of resentment, denial, rejection, hatred, it becomes hidden aggression towards you and others. Aggression attracts more aggression, and without realizing it, you enter into a vicious circle. Everything has its positive and its not so positive sides. Learn to accept both, to seek and discover the positive in you and things.

2. Living in the past

You will not find anything new there. When you live in the past, you bring it into the present and make it your current attraction point. It is how you attract more of the same. And then you wonder why you attract the same relationships, situations, and things again. Throw away old wounds and pain. Take off your old insults and fears. Put on faith, goodwill. And go ahead. Don’t let the past steal your present.

3. Toxic relationships

These are one-way relationships. Relationships in which energy moves only from one side to the other, and there is no exchange. Only you give, save, listen, comfort, help. These are relationships that steal your energy and mood. It’s time to change. Someone only looks for you when they need something. And do you need this type of communication?

Don’t pretend to be a good person with toxic people. If you are sympathetic to them, you become toxic to yourself.

❤️One does not get energy from food and sleep but from joy
Dr. Hinohara’s advice for longevity and fulfilling life: Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara is one of those to

4. Excessive thinking

It is the art of creating problems that do not exist. Suppose you are the type of person who tends to think the same thing over and over again like a merry-go-round. You spend more time in your mind than in reality. It is merely the inertia of the mind. It’s time to release the momentum that steals from your present. This way, you give more importance to things that do not really deserve your concern. Just say to yourself: STOP! And return your awareness to the present. This is only a matter of a little practice. The moment you take your attention out of the thought carousel and infuse it into the present reality, and you are ready. You will feel how you got out of the grip of the mental carousel. Then persevere with this practice for a while. You will now feel how nice it is to regain the joy of life.

5. Fear of change

How do you know that what you are accustomed to or have is better than what is coming? The only sure thing in life is change. Learning to accept change is one of the essential lessons of modern times. Of course, any change is associated with leaving the comfort zone. But the moment you allow the change, you realize that it has expanded your comfort zone. It has made you more flexible and adaptable. After all, life itself is an endless journey, learning, and expansion, right? And the more you resist change and try to hide in safety, the more painful it becomes. With each change, you become more conscious, knowledgeable, skilled, and wise. Change brings expansion. Trust the change.

❤️ How to purify the energy in your home
Home is a significant part of ourselves. Its energy and physical cleanliness are vital to the way we

6. To underestimate yourself

Stop doing it. Stop underestimating yourself. You keep thinking that others are more than you. And you are inferior to them. Too often, I meet capable and talented people who, however, underestimate themselves so much that they place a restrictive barrier to their future development. And only because they do not believe in themselves. They are too critical of themselves and thus underestimate their capabilities and skills. If you have such a tendency, it’s time to stop sabotaging yourself. How? Observe how you think of yourself. You often put labels in your thoughts and characterize yourself with not very pleasant characteristics. How to stop underestimating yourself? By taking care of your confidence and self-esteem.

It is essential to realize and accept that mistakes are part of you growing up.

And they don’t define you as incompetent, silly, or bad. Start noticing and paying attention to your good qualities. And they are so many. Notice and enjoy the small successes and victories. You managed not to get angry, and you kept your composure in a critical situation. You have shown empathy and supported someone in need. You have kept your dignity despite the difficulty and so forth. The examples can be countless. The point is to notice them, to reflect on them. Everyone has good and not so good qualities. Whichever you choose to focus on is up to you.

❤️The best things in life
Let’s remember what some of the best things in life are. Maybe then we will realize that our days are not so

7. Trying to please everyone.

You don’t need it at all, because you also don’t like everyone. But the desire to please everyone has stolen so much from the beauty of life. Any attempt to please someone just to be approved by them takes you away from yourself. In order to please everyone, you betray and lose yourself. And even if you make everyone like you, it still won’t be an indicator of your worth. And you, your value, you determine it yourself with your attitude towards you.

Do you like yourself is the important question?

Do you approve of the path you are taking? Are you satisfied with the choices you make? And the strange paradox is that the less you depend on others’ opinions about you, the more they start to like you. You are important. Try to please yourself because you will share your whole life with you. The others come and go. But you will stay with you.

Get rid of these 7 things, and you will feel that you are regaining your life and the joy of life.

Sometimes, it is important to get rid of the old unnecessary burden in order to move forward. Change starts from the inside out. And every little step along the way is worth it because this is the way to you.

You are Wonderful… LIFE IS WONDERFUL!

❤️ Stressed out? This ancient Japanese technique can help you relax in less than 5 minutes.
Stress is all around you. It’s your biggest enemy, extremely harmful to your health and lifestyle. In the

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❤️ 7 things to get rid from your life Read More »

One does not get energy from food and sleep but from joy

❤️One does not get energy from food and sleep but from joy

Dr. Hinohara’s advice for longevity and fulfilling life:

Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara is one of those to whom Japan is indebted for its many centenarians. He himself was a worthy example with his incredibly active life – after turning 75, he published over 150 books, including the bestseller “Live Long, Live Well“, distributed in 1.2 million copies. After celebrating his 100th birthday, Dr. Hinohara continues to treat people and give lectures. His life remains dedicated to the good cause – to guide and advise people on achieving health and longevity. In July 2017, the Japanese doctor left this world at the age of 105.

One does not get energy from food and sleep but from joy.

Do you remember how in childhood, if you had fun, you forgot to eat and did not need sleep? It’s the same for adults. You should not plague your body with strict rules of eating and sleeping.

energy from food People of all races, nationalities, and genders can live long. They have only one thing in common – there is not a single fat person among the long-lived. For example, at breakfast, I drink coffee or milk, maybe orange juice with a spoonful of olive oil – it is good for the skin and arteries. At lunch – milk with biscuits, or nothing if I’m too busy. When I work, I don’t feel hungry at all. My dinner – vegetables, some fish and rice. Twice a week, I eat 100 g of lean meat. So you should not get all your energy from food but also from joy and happiness!

❤️ Louise Hay List of Symptoms and Affirmations to cure
 “I am healthy, whole, and complete.” As you look through the following list taken from Louis Hay’

It is not necessary to retire at all.

But if this is unavoidable, try to do it as late as possible. Today, the retirement age in Japan is 65, but it was introduced half a century ago, when life expectancy was 68, and centenarians across Japan at the time were a total of 125 people. Today, Japanese women live on average to 86 and men to 80. Those who passed the 100 are 36,000 people.

To stay healthy, go up the stairs and carry your bags. I even skip steps to train my muscles.

When doctors advise you to do specific tests and recommend surgery, ask them if they would give their loved ones the same advice. Doctors cannot cure everything they tell us. Why suffer unnecessary suffering? Sometimes music and animal therapists help more than surgeons.

Pain is a mysterious thing. The best way to deal with it is to find something exciting. When a child has a toothache, it is worth involving him in play to forget the pain. There is a lot of fun in our hospital “St. Luke” – music, animals, art therapy. This helps a lot.

❤️The most powerful natural antibiotic – The Recipe!
In this article, I will give you a priceless homemade recipe for the most powerful natural antibiotic. I

Don’t try to accumulate so many material things.

Remember – no one knows when his last hour will come. And he won’t take any of that with him.

Science alone cannot help people.

Science puts us under one denominator, but we are all different, and disease is closely related to our soul. To understand the disease and help man, we need not only science but also art.

Living long is wonderful.

Up to the age of 60, we work for our family’s good, and it is easy for us to reach the set goals. Then, however, we have to do good for the good of society as a whole. Since I turned 65, I have been working for free, 18 hours a day, seven days a week. And I enjoy every minute.

❤️ 26 Japanese pearls of wisdom that will banish the misfortune from your life
The Japanese are known for their diligence, patience, love of beauty and order, and wisdom. Today we have

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❤️One does not get energy from food and sleep but from joy Read More »

10 inspiring thoughts

❤️ 10 inspiring thoughts on the meaning of happiness

Happiness is the most important engine in our lives, but we often do not understand what it is or where we can find it. We try different scenarios, hoping that we will somehow stumble upon happiness, but we are still aware of how deceptive the search can be.
The truth is that sometimes tricky questions have really simple answers. This probably is the case with happiness.

These 10 inspiring thoughts will give you great insights into what makes people happy.
  1. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” Jim Rohn
    We tend to see happiness as a goal we need to achieve somewhere in the future, not as something we can achieve right now and right here. This way of thinking actually prevents us from finding happiness in the present, when the present offers us opportunities for it.

  1. There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. George Sand
    People seek happiness in many different ways, but everyone would agree that the surest way to find happiness is to cultivate love. Sharing and receiving love makes us happy – it’s that simple.

    The lower the soul of a person-the higher the nose up-11 Inspiring thoughts
    Eleven inspiring thoughts about life, Love, friendship, optimism, enjoy reading them. “All the
  1. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Albert Schweizer

Our modern society accepts that happiness is something that only comes after we have achieved success. Successful people know that happiness precedes success. Enjoying your work and finding joy and happiness in work make us successful.

  1. Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Happiness is not really about reaching a specific goal or destination but rather about enjoying the ride. Every new step towards our goal should make us happy and fulfilled. This type of happiness is not about excitement but about peace. It is stable and lasting happiness.

  1. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. – Mahatma Gandhi
    Lasting happiness is not ecstatic. It is like the feeling of peace and harmony that extends to our thoughts and actions. This is possible when our actions and thoughts correspond to the deepest desires of our hearts.

  1. It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness. Charles Spurgeon
    Happiness is rarely about what we have or what we can produce. It is more important that we have what we have. True happiness comes from knowing how to see everything in bright, positive light and enjoying all the things that happen to us.

    ❤️One does not get energy from food and sleep but from joy
    Dr. Hinohara’s advice for longevity and fulfilling life: Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara is one of those to
  1. Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond imperfections. Gerard Way
    We always strive for perfection and delude ourselves that happiness can only come from perfection. As a result, we lack happiness entirely. When we learn to see and accept imperfect things as they are, we attain true happiness.

  1. A smile is happiness you’ll find right under your nose. Tom Wilson
    Happiness can be associated with outstanding achievements, but it can also be related to simple things. Sometimes all it takes to feel happy is to remind ourselves to smile and meet the world with optimism and joy. In this way, we discover that happiness has always been waiting for us.

  1. Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions. The Dalai Lama
    Believing that happiness is something that awaits for us to find it somewhere in the distant future is a distorted way of thinking about life. Happiness is a product of our actions, decisions, and thoughts. It does not come to us from outside. It grows in us.

  1. Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more. H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
    Selfish people never know happiness. They confuse happiness with a fleeting sense of satisfaction that, instead of leaving them satisfied, makes them victims of new desires. Truly happy people know how to escape this trap by giving more to others instead of always thinking for themselves.


❤️ How to purify the energy in your home
Home is a significant part of ourselves. Its energy and physical cleanliness are vital to the way we



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❤️ 10 inspiring thoughts on the meaning of happiness Read More »

Tibetan practice for your thyroid gland

❤️ Tibetan practice for your thyroid gland, use it often

I share with you the important Tibetan practice for your thyroid gland. This exercise provides increased blood flow to your thyroid gland, which will cleanse it and keep it healthy.

STEP 1 – Rub your palms well to warm them. Then carefully place your palms on the thyroid gland and hold them there for about ten seconds.

STEP 2 – You should swallow your saliva three times in a row or drink three sips of water.

STEP 3 – Exhale slowly. As you exhale, bend your head forward and press your chin to your chest as hard as possible. Hold your chin for a few seconds without breathing. When you start breathing, lift your chin and lower your head. Keep your head in this position for a while. Once you begin exhaling, press your chin to your chest again.

STEP 4 – While your chin is on your chest, slowly turn your head left and right, never removing your chin from your chest. This movement is an excellent massage of the thyroid gland.

Note: Your head rises when you inhale and goes down as you exhale.

Repeat the above steps of the Tibetan practice ten times.

You can practice it in either a sitting or standing position. I recommend practicing this excellent Tibetan practice often – several times a week. Your thyroid gland will be so thankful to you while its condition greatly improves.

Practicing this exercise is remarkably effective in cases of hypothyroidism.


Life is Beautiful! You are wonderful!

❤️ Support Our Journey Towards Health and Mindfulness

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As we continue to journey together through the realms of health, nutrition, and mindfulness, we've created a space where knowledge and well-being intertwine, thanks to your unwavering support.
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Every contribution helps us enrich our encyclopedias, enhance our platform, and continue to share valuable insights into healthier living. Whether it's the cost of a cup of coffee or a healthy snack, your support makes a significant difference.
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❤️ Tibetan practice for your thyroid gland, use it often Read More »

louise hay list of symptoms

❤️ Louise Hay List of Symptoms and Affirmations to cure

 “I am healthy, whole, and complete.”

As you look through the following list taken from Louis Hay’s book Heal your body, see if you can find the correlation between dis-eases you may have had or are having now and the probable causes that are Listed.

A good way to use this list when you have a physical problem is:
  1. Look up the mental cause. See if this could be true for you. If not, sit quietly and ask yourself, “What could be the thoughts in me that created this?”
  2. Repeat to yourself, “I am willing to release the pattern in my consciousness that has created this condition.”
  3. Repeat the affirmation to yourself several times.
  4. Assume that you are already in the process of healing.
Whenever you think of the condition, repeat the steps.
Louise Hay list of symptoms and affirmations:

Abdominal Cramps: Fear. Stopping the process.
Affirmation: I trust the process of life. I am safe.

Abscess: Fermenting thoughts over hurts, slights, and revenge.
Affirmation: I allow my thoughts to be free. The past is over. I am at peace.

Accidents: Inability to speak up for the self. Rebellion against authority. Belief in violence.
Affirmation: I release the pattern in me that created this. I am at peace. I am worthwhile.

Aches: Longing for love. Longing to be held.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am loving and lovable.

Acne: Not accepting the self. Dislike of the self.
Affirmation: I am a Divine expression of life. I love and accept myself where I am right now.

Addictions: Running from the self. Fear. Not knowing how to love the self.
Affirmation: I now discover how wonderful I am. I choose to love and enjoy myself.

Addison’s Dis-ease (See: Adrenal Problems): Severe emotional malnutrition. Anger at the self.
Affirmation: I lovingly take care of my body, my mind, and my emotions.

Adenoids: Family friction, arguments. Child feeling unwelcome, in the way.
Affirmation: This child is wanted and welcomed and deeply loved.

Adrenal Problems (See: Addison’s Dis-ease, Cushing’s Dis-ease): Defeatism. No longer caring for the self. Anxiety.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. It is safe for me to care for myself.

Aging Problems: Social beliefs. Old thinking. Fear of being one’s self. Rejection of the now.
Affirmation: I love and accept myself at every age. Each moment in life is perfect.

AIDS:Feeling defenseless and hopeless. Nobody cares. A strong belief in not being good enough. Denial of the self. Sexual guilt.
Affirmation: I am part of the Universal design. I am important and I am loved by Life itself. I am powerful and capable. I love and appreciate all of myself.


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Alcoholism:“What’s the use?” Feeling of futility, guilt, inadequacy. Self-rejection.
Affirmation: I live in the now. Each moment is new. I choose to see my self-worth. I love and approve of myself.

Allergies (See: Hay Fever): Who are you allergic to? Denying your own power.
Affirmation: The world is safe and friendly. I am safe. I am at peace with life.

Alzheimer’s Dis-ease (See: Dementia, Senility): Refusal to deal with the world as it is. Hopelessness and helplessness. Anger.
Affirmation: There is always a new and better way for me to experience life. I forgive and release the past. I move into joy.

Amenorrhea (See: Female Problems, Menstrual Problems): Not wanting to be a woman. Dislike of the self.
Affirmation: I rejoice in who I am. I am a beautiful expression of life, flowing perfectly at all times.

Amnesia: Fear. Running from life. Inability to stand up for the self.
Affirmation: Intelligence, courage, and self-worth are always present. It is safe to be alive.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s Dis-ease): Unwillingness to accept self-worth. Denial of success.
Affirmation: I know I am worthwhile. It is safe for me to succeed. Life loves me.

Anemia: “Yes-but” attitude. Lack of joy. Fear of life. Not feeling good enough.
Affirmation: It is safe for me to experience joy in every area of my life. I love life.

Ankle(s): Inflexibility and guilt. Ankles represent the ability to receive pleasure.
Affirmation: I deserve to rejoice in life. I accept all the pleasure life has to offer.

Anorectal Bleeding (Hematochezia): Anger and frustration.
Affirmation: I trust the process of life. Only right and good action is taking place in my life.

❤️ 26 Japanese pearls of wisdom that will banish the misfortune from your life
The Japanese are known for their diligence, patience, love of beauty and order, and wisdom. Today we have

Anorexia (See: Appetite, Loss of): Denying the self. Extreme fear, self-hatred, and rejection.
Affirmation: It is safe to be me. I am wonderful just as I am. I choose to live. I choose joy and self-acceptance.

Anus (See: Hemorrhoids): Releasing point. Dumping ground.
Affirmation: I easily and comfortably release that which I no longer need in life.

Abscess: Anger in relation to what you don’t want to release.
Affirmation: It is safe to let go. Only that which I no longer need leaves my body.

Bleeding (See: Anorectal Bleeding)

Fistula: Incomplete releasing of trash. Holding on to garbage of the past.
Affirmation: It is with love that I totally release the past. I am free. I am love.

Itching (Pruritis Ani): Guilt over the past. Remorse.
Affirmation: I lovingly forgive myself. I am free.

Pain: Guilt. Desire for punishment. Not feeling good enough.
Affirmation: The past is over. I choose to love and approve of myself in the now.

Anxiety: Not trusting the flow and the process of life.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself and I trust the process of life. I am safe.

Apathy: Resistance to feeling. Deadening of the self. Fear.
Affirmation: It is safe to feel. I open myself to life. I am willing to experience life.

Appendicitis: Fear. Fear of life. Blocking the flow of good.
Affirmation: I am safe, I relax and let life flow joyously.


Excessive: Fear. Needing protection. Judging the emotions.
Affirmation: I am safe. It is safe to feel. My feelings are normal and acceptable.

Loss of (See: Anorexia): Fear. Protecting the self. Not trusting life.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am safe. Life is safe and joyous.

Arm(s): Represents the capacity and ability to hold the experiences of life.
Affirmation: I lovingly hold and embrace my experiences with ease and with joy.

Arteries: Carry the joy of life.
Affirmation: I am filled with joy. It flows through me with every beat of my heart.

Arteriosclerosis: Resistance, tension. Hardened narrow-mindedness. Refusing to see good.
Affirmation: I am completely open to life and to joy. I choose to see with love.

Arthritic Fingers: A desire to punish. Blame. Feeling victimized. I see with love and understanding.
Affirmation: I hold all my experiences up to the light of love.

Arthritis (See: Joints): Feeling unloved. Criticism, resentment.
Affirmation: I am love. I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others with love.

Asphyxiating Attacks (See: Breathing Problems, Hyperventilation): Fear. Not trusting the process of life. Getting stuck in childhood.
Affirmation: It is safe to grow up. The world is safe. I am safe.

Asthma: Smother love. Inability to breathe for one’s self. Feeling stifled. Suppressed crying.
Affirmation: It is safe now for me to take charge of my own life. I choose to be free.

Babies and Children Fear of life. Not wanting to be here.
Affirmation:This child is safe and loved. This child is welcomed and cherished.

Athlete’s Foot: Frustration at not being accepted. Inability to move forward with ease.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I give myself permission to go ahead. It is safe to move.

Back: Represents the support of life. I know that Life always supports me.

Back Problems:


Meditation is the art of focusing 100% on an area. Practicing it brings multiple health benefits, such as

— Lower: Fear of money. Lack of financial support.
Affirmation: I trust the process of life. All I need is always taken care of. I am safe.

Middle: Guilt. Stuck in all that stuff back there. “Get off my back.”
Affirmation: I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart.

— Upper: Lack of emotional support. Feeling unloved. Holding back love.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. Life supports and loves me.

Bad Breath (See: Halitosis): Anger and revenge thoughts. Experiences backing up.
Affirmation: I release the past with love. I choose to voice only love.

Balance, Loss of: Scattered thinking. Not centered.
Affirmation: I center myself in safety and accept the perfection of my life. All is well.

Baldness: Fear. Tension. Trying to control everything. Not trusting the process of life.
Affirmation: I am safe. I love and approve of myself. I trust life.

Bedwetting (Enuresis): Fear of parent, usually the father.
Affirmation: This child is seen with love, with compassion, and with understanding. All is well.

Belching: Fear. Gulping life too quickly.
Affirmation: There is time and space for everything I need to do. I am at peace.

Bell’s Palsy (See: Palsy, Paralysis): Extreme control over anger. Unwillingness to express feelings.
Affirmation: It is safe for me to express my feelings. I forgive myself.

Birth: Represents the entering of this segment of the movie of life.
Affirmation: This baby now begins a joyous and wonderful new life. All is well.

Defects: Karmic. You selected to come that way. We choose our parents and our children. Unfinished business.
Affirmation: Every experience is perfect for our growth process. I am at peace with where I am.

Bites: Fear. Open to every slight.
Affirmation: I forgive myself and I love myself now and forever more.

Animal: Anger turned inward. A need for punishment.
Affirmation: I am free.

Bug: Guilt over small things.
Affirmation: I am free of all irritations. All is well.

Blackheads: Small outbursts of anger.
Affirmation: I calm my thoughts and I am serene.

Bladder Problems (Cystitis): Anxiety. Holding on to old ideas. Fear of letting go. Being pissed off.
Affirmation: I comfortably and easily release the old and welcome the new in my life. I am safe.

Bleeding: Joy running out. Anger. But where?
Affirmation: I am the joy of Life expressing and receiving in perfect rhythm.

Bleeding Gums:Lack of joy in the decision made in life.
Affirmation: I trust that right action is always taking place in my life. I am at peace.

Blisters: Resistance. Lack of emotional protection.
Affirmation: I gently flow with life and each new experience. All is well.

Blood: Represents joy in the body, flowing freely.
Affirmation: I am the joy of Life expressing and receiving.

Blood Pressure:

High (Hypertension): Long-standing emotional problem not solved.
Affirmation: I joyously release the past. I am at peace.

— Low: Lack of love as a child. Defeatism. “What’s the use? It won’t work anyway.”
Affirmation: I now choose to live in the ever-joyous NOW. My life is a joy.

Blood Problems( See: Leukemia): Lack of joy. Lack of circulation of ideas.
Affirmation: Joyous new ideas are circulating freely within me.

Anemic: See: Anemia

Clotting: Closing down the flow of joy.
Affirmation: I awaken new life within me. I flow.

Body Odor: Fear. Dislike of the self. Fear of others.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am safe.

Boils (Furuncle) (See: Carbuncle): Anger. Boiled over. Seething.
Affirmation: I express love and joy and I am at peace.

Bone(s) (See: Skeleton): Represents the structure of the Universe.
Affirmation: I am well structured and balanced.

Bone Marrow: Represents deepest beliefs about the self. How you support and care for yourself.
Affirmation: Divine Spirit is the structure of my life. I am safe and loved and totally supported.



Bone Problems:

Breaks/Fractures: Rebelling against authority.
Affirmation: In my world, I am my own authority, for I am the only one who thinks in my mind.

Deformity (See: Osteomyelitis, Osteoporosis): Mental pressures and tightness. Muscles can’t stretch. Loss of mental mobility.
Affirmation: I breathe in life fully. I relax and trust the flow and the process of life.

Bowels: Represents the release of waste.
Affirmation: Letting go is easy.

Problems: Fear of letting go of the old and no longer needed.
Affirmation: I freely and easily release the old and joyously welcome the new.

Brain: Represents the computer, the switchboard.
Affirmation: I am the loving operator of my mind.

Tumor: Incorrect computerized beliefs. Stubborn. Refusing to change old patterns.
Affirmation: It is easy for me to reprogram the computer of my mind. All of life is change, and my mind is ever new.

Breast(s): Represents mothering and nurturing and nourishment.
Affirmation: I take in and give out nourishment in perfect balance.

Breast Problems:

Cysts, Lumps, Soreness (Mastitis): A refusal to nourish the self. Putting everyone else first. Overmothering. Overprotection. Overbearing attitudes.
Affirmation: I am important. I count. I now care for and nourish myself with love and with joy. I allow others the freedom to be who they are. We are all safe and free.

Breath: Represents the ability to take in life.
Affirmation: I love life. It is safe to live.

Breathing Problems (See: Asphyxiating Attacks, Hyperventilation): Fear or refusal to take in life fully. Not feeling the right to take up space or even exist.
Affirmation: It is my birthright to live fully and freely. I am worth loving. I now choose to live life fully.

Bright’s Dis-ease (See: Nephritis): Feeling like a kid who can’t do it right and is not good enough. A failure. Loss.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I care for me. I am totally adequate at all times.

Bronchitis (See: Respiratory Ailments): Inflamed family environment. Arguments and yelling. Sometimes silent.
Affirmation: I declare peace and harmony within me and around me. All is well.

Bruises (Ecchymoses): The little bumps in life. Self-punishment.
Affirmation: I love and cherish myself. I am kind and gentle with me. All is well.

Bulimia: Hopeless terror. A frantic stuffing and purging of self-hatred.
Affirmation: I am loved and nourished and supported by Life itself. It is safe for me to be alive.

Bunions: Lack of joy in meeting the experiences of life.
Affirmation: I joyously run forward to greet life’s wonderful experiences.


❤️ What will happen when you start meditating or benefits of meditation
Meditation is not some obscene practice, but a superficial, deep connection with your inner self. It helps

Burns: Anger. Burning up. Incensed.
Affirmation: I create only peace and harmony within myself and in my environment. I deserve to feel good.

Bursitis: Repressed anger. Wanting to hit someone.
Affirmation: Love relaxes and releases all unlike itself.

Buttocks: Represents power. Loose Buttocks, loss of power.
Affirmation: I use my power wisely. I am strong. I am safe. All is well.

Callouses: Hardened concepts and ideas. Fear solidified.
Affirmation: It is safe to see and experience new ideas and new ways. I am open and receptive to good.

Cancer: Deep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds. “What’s the use?”
Affirmation: I lovingly forgive and release all of the past. I choose to fill my world with joy. I love and approve of myself.

Candida (Candidiasis) See: Thrush, Yeast Infections: Feeling very scattered. Lots of frustration and anger. Demanding and untrusting in relationships. Great takers.
Affirmation: I give myself permission to be all that I can be, and I deserve the very best in life. I love and appreciate myself and others.

Canker Sores: Festering words held back by the lips. Blame.
Affirmation: I create only joyful experiences in my loving world.

Car Sickness See: Motion Sickness: Fear. Bondage. Feeling of being trapped.
Affirmation: I move with ease through time and space. Only love surrounds me.

Carbuncle See: Boils: Poisonous anger about personal injustices.
Affirmation: I release the past and allow time to heal every area of my life.

Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome See: Wrist: Anger and frustration at life’s seeming injustices.
Affirmation: I now choose to create a life that is joyous and abundant. I am at ease.

Cataracts: Inability to see ahead with joy. Dark future.
Affirmation: Life is eternal and filled with joy. I look forward to every moment.

Cellulite: Stored anger and self-punishment.
Affirmation: I forgive others. I forgive myself. I am free to love and enjoy life.

Cerebral Palsy See: Palsy: A need to unite the family in an action of love.
Affirmation: I contribute to a united, loving, and peaceful family life. All is well.

Cerebrovascular Accident See: Stroke

Childhood Dis-eases: Belief in calendars and social concepts and false laws. Childish behavior in the adults around them.
Affirmation: This child is Divinely protected and surrounded by love. We claim mental immunity.

Chills: Mental contraction, pulling away and in. Desire to retreat. “Leave me alone.”
Affirmation: I am safe and secure at all times. Love surrounds me and protects me. All is well.

Cholelithiasis See: Gallstones

Cholesterol (Atherosclerosis): Clogging the channels of joy. Fear of accepting joy.
Affirmation: I choose to love life. My channels of joy are wide open. It is safe to receive.

Chronic Dis-eases: A refusal to change. Fear of the future. Not feeling safe.
Affirmation: I am willing to change and to grow. I now create a safe, new future.

Circulation: Represents the ability to feel and express the emotions in positive ways.
Affirmation: I am free to circulate love and joy in every part of my world. I love life.

Cold Sores (Fever Blisters) See: Herpes Simplex: Festering angry words and fear of expressing them.
Affirmation: I only create peaceful experiences because I love myself. All is well.

Colds (Upper-Respiratory Illness) See: Respiratory Ailments: Too much going on at once. Mental confusion, disorder. Small hurts. “I get three colds every winter,” type of belief.
Affirmation: I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me. All is well.

Colic: Mental irritation, impatience, annoyance in the surroundings.
Affirmation: This child responds only to love and to loving thoughts. All is peaceful.

Colitis See: Colon, Intestines, Mucus Colon, Spastic Colitis: Insecurity. Represents the ease of letting go of that which is over.
Affirmation: I am part of the perfect rhythm and flow of life. All is in Divine right order.

Colon: Fear of letting go. Holding on to the past.
Affirmation: I easily release that which I no longer need. The past is over, and I am free.

Coma: Fear. Escaping something or someone.
Affirmation: We surround you with safety and love. We create a space for you to heal. You are loved.

Comedones: Small outbursts of anger.
Affirmation: I calm my thoughts and I am serene.

Congestion See: Bronchitis, Colds, Influenza

Conjunctivitis See: Pink Eye: Anger and frustration at what you are looking at in life.
Affirmation: I see with eyes of love. There is a harmonious solution, and I accept it now.

Constipation: Refusing to release old ideas. Stuck in the past. Sometimes stinginess.
Affirmation: As I release the past, the new and fresh and vital enter. I allow life to flow through me.

Corns: Hardened areas of thought — stubbornly holding on to the pain of the past.
Affirmation: I move forward, free from the past. I am safe, I am free.

Coronary Thrombosis See: Heart Attack: Feeling alone and scared. “I’m not good enough. I don’t do enough. I’ll never make it.”
Affirmation: I am one with all of life. The Universe totally supports me. All is well.

Coughs See: Respiratory Ailments: A desire to bark at the world. “See me! Listen to me!”
Affirmation: I am noticed and appreciated in the most positive ways. I am loved.

Cramps: Tension. Fear. Gripping, holding on.
Affirmation: I relax and allow my mind to be peaceful.

Croup See: Bronchitis

Crying: Tears are the river of life, shed in joy as well as in sadness and fear.
Affirmation: I am peaceful with all of my emotions. I love and approve of myself.

Cushing’s Dis-ease See: Adrenal Problems: Mental imbalance. Overproduction of crushing ideas. A feeling of being overpowered.
Affirmation: I lovingly balance my mind and my body. I now choose thoughts that make me feel good.

Cuts See: Injuries, Wounds: Punishment for not following your own rules.
Affirmation: I create a life filled with rewards.

Cyst(s): Running the old painful movie. Nursing hurts. A false growth.
Affirmation: The movies of my mind are beautiful because I choose to make them so. I love me.

Cystic Fibrosis: A thick belief that life won’t work for you. “Poor me.”
Affirmation: Life loves me, and I love life. I now choose to take in life fully and freely.

Cystitis See: Bladder Problems

Deafness: Rejection, stubbornness, isolation. What don’t you want to hear? “Don’t bother me.”
Affirmation: I listen to the Divine and rejoice at all that I am able to hear. I am one with all.

Death: Represents leaving the movie of life.
Affirmation: I joyfully move on to new levels of experience. All is well.

Dementia See: Alzheimer’s Dis-ease, Senility: A refusal to deal with the world as it is. Hopelessness and anger.
Affirmation: I am in my perfect place, and I am safe at all times.

Depression: Anger you feel you do not have a right to have. Hopelessness.
Affirmation: I now go beyond other people’s fears and limitations. I create my life.

Diabetes (Hyperglycemia, Mellitus): Longing for what might have been. A great need to control. Deep sorrow. No sweetness left.
Affirmation: This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today.

Diarrhea: Fear. Rejection. Running off.
Affirmation: My intake, assimilation, and elimination are in perfect order. I am at peace with life.

Dizziness (Vertigo): Flighty, scattered thinking. A refusal to look.
Affirmation: I am deeply centered and peaceful in life. It is safe for me to be alive and joyous.

Dry Eye: Angry eyes. Refusing to see with love. Would rather die than forgive. Being spiteful.
Affirmation: I willingly forgive. I breathe life into my vision and see with compassion and understanding.

Dysentery: Fear and intense anger.
Affirmation: I create peacefulness in my mind, and my body reflects this.

— Amoebic: Believing they are out to get you.
Affirmation: I am the power and authority in my world. I am at peace.

Bacillary:Oppression and hopelessness.
Affirmation: I am filled with life and energy and the joy of living.

Dysmenorrhea See: Female Problems, Menstrual Problems: Anger at the self. Hatred of the body or of women.
Affirmation: I love my body. I love myself. I love all my cycles. All is well.

Ear(s): Represents the capacity to hear.
Affirmation: I hear with love.

Earache (Otitis: External/Ear Canal Media/Inner Ear): Anger. Not wanting to hear. Too much turmoil. Parents arguing.
Affirmation: Harmony surrounds me. I listen with love to the pleasant and the good. I am a center for love.

Ecchymoses See: Bruises

Eczema: Breath-taking antagonism. Mental eruptions.
Affirmation: Harmony and peace, love and joy surround me and indwell me. I am safe and secure.

Edema See: Holding Fluids, Swelling: What or who won’t you let go of?
Affirmation: I willingly release the past. It is safe for me to let go. I am free now.

Elbow See: Joints: Represents changing directions and accepting new experiences.
Affirmation: I easily flow with new experiences, new directions, and new changes.

Emphysema: Fear of taking in life. Not worthy of living.
Affirmation: It is my birthright to live fully and freely. I love life. I love me.

Endometriosis: Insecurity, disappointment, and frustration. Replacing self-love with sugar. Blamers.
Affirmation: I am both powerful and desirable. It’s wonderful to be a woman.I love myself, and I am fulfilled.

Enuresis See: Bedwetting

Epilepsy: Sense of persecution. Rejection of life. A feeling of great struggle. Self-violence.
Affirmation: I choose to see life as eternal and joyous. I am eternal and joyous and at peace.

Epstein-Barr Virus: Pushing beyond one’s limits. Fear of not being good enough. Draining all inner support. Stress virus.
Affirmation: I relax and recognize my self-worth. I am good enough. Life is easy and joyful.

Exotropia (See: Eye Problems)

Eye(s): Represents the capacity to see clearly — past, present, and future.
Affirmation: I see with love and joy.

Eye Problems (See: Sty): Not liking what you see in your own life.
Affirmation: I now create a life I love to look at.

— Astigmatism: “I” trouble. Fear of really seeing the self.
Affirmation: I am now willing to see my own beauty and magnificence.

Cataracts: Inability to see ahead with joy. Dark future.
Affirmation: Life is eternal and filled with joy.

Children: Not wanting to see what is going on in the family.
Affirmation: Harmony and joy and beauty and safety now surround this child.

Crossed (See: Keratitis): Not wanting to see what’s out there. Crossed purposes.
Affirmation: It is safe for me to see. I am at peace.

Farsighted (Hyperopia): Fear of the present.
Affirmation: I am safe in the here and now. I see that clearly.

— Glaucoma: Stony unforgiveness. Pressure from long-standing hurts. Overwhelmed by it all.
Affirmation: I see with love and tenderness.

Nearsighted (See: Myopia): Fear of the future.
Affirmation: I accept Divine guidance and am always safe.

Wall Eyed (Exotropia): Fear of looking at the present, right her
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself right now .

Face: Represents what we show the world.
Affirmation: It is safe to be me. I express who I am.

Fainting (Vasovagal Attack): Fear. Can’t cope. Blacking out.
Affirmation: I have the power and strength and knowledge to handle everything in my life.

Fat (See: Overweight): Oversensitivity. Often represents fear and shows a need for protection. Fear may be a cover for hidden anger and a resistance to forgive.
Affirmation: I am protected by Divine Love. I am always safe and secure. I am willing to grow up and take responsibility for my life. I forgive others, and I now create my own life the way I want it. I am safe.

Arms: Anger at being denied love.
Affirmation: It is safe for me to create all the love I want.

Belly: Anger at being denied nourishment.
Affirmation: I nourish myself with spiritual food, and I am satisfied and free.

Hips: Lumps of stubborn anger at the parents.
Affirmation: I am willing to forgive the past. It is safe for me to go beyond my parents’ limitations.

Thighs: Packed childhood anger. Often rage at the father.
Affirmation: I see my father as a loveless child, and I forgive easily. We are both free.

Fatigue: Resistance, boredom. Lack of love for what one does.
Affirmation: I am enthusiastic about life and filled with energy and enthusiasm.

Feet: Represents our understanding — of ourselves, of life, of others.
Affirmation: My understanding is clear, and I am willing to change with the times. I am safe.

Female Problems (See: Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Fibroid Tumors, Leukorrhea, Menstrual Problems, Vaginitis): Denial of the self. Rejecting femininity. Rejection of the feminine principle.
Affirmation: I rejoice in my femaleness. I love being a woman. I love my body.

Fever: Anger. Burning up.
Affirmation: I am the cool, calm expression of peace and love.

Fever Blisters (See: Cold Sores, Herpes Simplex)

Fibroid Tumors & Cysts (See: Female Problems): Nursing a hurt from a partner. A blow to the feminine ego.
Affirmation: I release the pattern in me that attracted this experience. I create only good in my life.

Fingers: Represent the details of life.
Affirmation: I am peaceful with the details of life.

— Thumb:Represents intellect and worry.
Affirmation: My mind is at peace.

Index Finger: Represents ego and fear.
Affirmation: I am secure.

Middle Finger: Represents anger and sexuality.
Affirmation: I am comfortable with my sexuality.

Ring Finger: Represents unions and grief.
Affirmation: I am peacefully loving.

Little Finger: Represents the family and pretending.
Affirmation: I am myself with the family of Life.

Fistula: Fear. A blockage in the letting-go process.
Affirmation: I am safe. I trust fully in the process of life. Life is for me.

Flatulence See: (Gas Pains)

Flu (See: Influenza)

Food Poisoning: Allowing others to take control. Feeling defenseless.
Affirmation: I have the strength, power, and skill to digest whatever comes my way.

Foot Problems: Fear of the future and of not stepping forward in life.
Affirmation: I move forward in life, with joy and with ease.

Fractures (See: Bone Problems)

Frigidity: Fear. Denial of pleasure. A belief that sex is bad. Insensitive partners. Fear of father.
Affirmation: It is safe for me to enjoy my own body. I rejoice in being a woman.

Fungus: Stagnating beliefs. Refusing to release the past. Letting the past rule today.
Affirmation: I live in the present moment, joyous and free.

Furuncle (See: Boils)

Gallstones (Cholelithiasis): Bitterness. Hard thoughts. Condemning. Pride.
Affirmation: There is joyous release of the past. Life is sweet, and so am I.

Gangrene: Mental morbidity. Drowning of joy with poisonous thoughts.
Affirmation: I now choose harmonious thoughts and let the joy flow freely through me.

Gas Pains (Flatulence): Gripping. Fear. Undigested ideas.
Affirmation: I relax and let life flow through me with ease.

Gastritis (See: Stomach Problems): Prolonged uncertainty. A feeling of doom.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am safe.

Genitals: Represents the masculine and feminine principles.
Affirmation: It is safe to be who I am.

— Problems: Worry about not being good enough.
Affirmation: I rejoice in my own expression of life. I am perfect just as I am. I love and approve of myself.

Gland(s): Represent holding stations. Self-starting activity.
Affirmation: I am the creative power in my world.

Glandular Fever (See: Mononucleosis)

Glandular Problems: Poor distribution of get-up-and-go ideas. Holding yourself back.
Affirmation: I have all the Divine ideas and activity I need. I move forward right now.

Globus Hystericus (See: Lump in Throat)

Goiter (See: Thyroid): Hatred for being inflicted upon. Victim. Feeling thwarted in life. Unfulfilled.
Affirmation: I am the power and authority in my life. I am free to be me.

Gonorrhea (See: Venereal Dis-ease): A need for punishment for being a bad person.
Affirmation: I love my body. I love my sexuality. I love me.

Gout: The need to dominate. Impatience, anger.
Affirmation: I am safe and secure. I am at peace with myself and with others.

Gray Hair: Stress. A belief in pressure and strain.
Affirmation: I am at peace and comfortable in every area of my life. I am strong and capable.

Growths: Nursing those old hurts. Building resentments.
Affirmation: I easily forgive. I love myself and will reward myself with thoughts of praise.

Gum Problems: Inability to back up decisions. Wishy-washy about life.
Affirmation: I am a decisive person. I follow through and support myself with love.

Halitosis (See: Bad Breath): Rotten attitudes, vile gossip, foul thinking.
Affirmation: I speak with gentleness and love. I exhale only the good.

Hands: Hold and handle. Clutch and grip. Grasping and letting go. Caressing. Pinching. All ways of dealing with experiences.
Affirmation: I choose to handle all my experiences with love and with joy and with ease.

Hay Fever (See: Allergies): Emotional congestion. Fear of the calendar. A belief in persecution. Guilt.
Affirmation: I am one with ALL OF LIFE. I am safe at all times.

Headaches (See: Migraine Headaches): Invalidating the self. Self-criticism. Fear.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I see myself and what I do with eyes of love. I am safe.

Heart (See: Blood): Represents the center of love and security.
Affirmation: My heart beats to the rhythm of love.

— Attack (M.I./Myocardial Infarction) (See: Coronary Thrombosis): Squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or position, etc.
Affirmation: I bring joy back to the center of my heart. I express love to all.

— Problems: Long-standing emotional problems. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Belief in strain and stress.
Affirmation: Joy. Joy. Joy. I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body and experience.

Heartburn (See: Peptic Ulcer, Stomach Problems, Ulcers): Fear. Fear. Fear. Clutching fear.
Affirmation: I breathe freely and fully. I am safe. I trust the process of life.

Hematochezia (See: Anorectal Bleeding)

Hemorrhoids (See: Anus): Fear of deadlines. Anger of the past. Afraid to let go. Feeling burdened.
Affirmation: I release all that is unlike love. There is time and space for everything I want to do.

Hepatitis (See: Liver Problems): Resistance to change. Fear, anger, hatred. Liver is the seat of anger and rage.
Affirmation: My mind is cleansed and free. I leave the past and move into the new. All is well.

Hernia: Ruptured relationships. Strain, burdens, incorrect creative expression. My mind is gentle and harmonious.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am free to be me.

Herpes (Herpes Genitalis) (See: Venereal Dis-ease): Mass belief in sexual guilt and the need for punishment. Public shame. Belief in a punishing God. Rejection of the genitals.
Affirmation: My concept of God supports me. I am normal and natural. I rejoice in my own sexuality and in my own body. I am wonderful.

Herpes Simplex (Herpes Labialis) (See: Cold Sores): Burning to bitch. Bitter words left unspoken.
Affirmation: I think and speak only words of love. I am at peace with life.

Hip(s): Carries the body in perfect balance. Major thrust in moving forward.
Affirmation: Hip Hip Hooray — there is joy in every day. I am balanced and free.

Hip Problems: Fear of going forward in major decisions. Nothing to move forward to.
Affirmation: I am in perfect balance. I move forward in life with ease and with joy at every age.

Hirsutism: Anger that is covered over. The blanket used is usually fear. A desire to blame. There is often an unwillingness to nurture the self.
Affirmation: I am a loving parent to myself. I am covered with love and approval. It is safe for me to show who I am.

Hives (Urticaria) (See: Rash): Small, hidden fears. Mountains out of molehills.
Affirmation: I bring peace to every corner of my life.

Hodgkin’s Dis-ease: Blame and a tremendous fear of not being good enough. A frantic race to prove one’s self until the blood has no substance left to support itself. The joy of life is forgotten in the race for acceptance.
Affirmation: I am perfectly happy to be me. I am good enough just as I am. I love and approve of myself. I am joy expressing and receiving.

Holding Fluids (See: Edema, Swelling): What are you afraid of losing?
Affirmation: I willingly release with joy.

Huntington’s Dis-ease: Resentment at not being able to change others. Hopelessness.
Affirmation: I release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life.

Hyperactivity: Fear. Feeling pressured and frantic.
Affirmation: I am safe. All pressure dissolves. I AM good enough.

Hyperglycemia (See: Diabetes)

Hyperopia (See: Eye Problems)

Hypertension (See: Blood Problems)

Hyperthyroidism (See: Thyroid): Rage at being left out.
Affirmation: I am at the center of life, and I approve of myself and all that I see.

Hyperventilation (See: Asphyxiating Attacks, Breathing Problems): Fear. Resisting change. Not trusting the process.
Affirmation: I am safe everywhere in the Universe. I love myself and trust the process of life.

Hypoglycemia: Overwhelmed by the burdens in life. “What’s the use?”
Affirmation: I now choose to make my life light and easy and joyful.

Hypothyroidism (See: Thyroid): Giving up. Feeling hopelessly stifled.
Affirmation: I create a new life with new rules that totally support me.

Ileitis (Crohn’s Dis-ease, Regional Enteritis): Fear. Worry. Not feeling good enough.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am doing the best I can. I am wonderful. I am at peace.

Impotence: Sexual pressure, tension, guilt. Social beliefs. Spite against a previous mate. Fear of mother.
Affirmation: I now allow the full power of my sexual principle to operate with ease and with joy.

Incontinence: Emotional overflow. Years of controlling the emotions I am willing to feel.
Affirmation: It is safe for me to express my emotions. I love myself.

Incurable: Cannot be cured by outer means at this point. We must go within to effect the cure. It came from nowhere and will go back to nowhere.
Affirmation: Miracles happen every day. I go within to dissolve the pattern that created this, and I now accept a Divine healing. And so it is!

Indigestion: Gut-level fear, dread, anxiety. Griping and grunting.
Affirmation: I digest and assimilate all new experiences peacefully and joyously.

Infection (See: Viral Infection): Irritation, anger, annoyance.
Affirmation: I choose to be peaceful and harmonious.

Inflammation (See: “Itis”): Fear. Seeing red. Inflamed thinking.
Affirmation: My thinking is peaceful, calm, and centered.

Influenza (See: Respiratory Ailments): Response to mass negativity and beliefs. Fear. Belief in statistics.
Affirmation: I am beyond group beliefs or the calendar. I am free from all congestion and influence.

Ingrown Toenail: Worry and guilt about your right to move forward.
Affirmation: It is my Divine right to take my own direction in life. I am safe. I am free.

Injuries (See: Cuts, Wounds): Anger at the self. Feeling guilty.
Affirmation: I now release anger in positive ways. I love and appreciate myself.

Insanity (Psychiatric Illness): Fleeing from the family. Escapism, withdrawal. Violent separation from life.
Affirmation: This mind knows its true identity and its creative point of Divine Self-Expression.

Insomnia: Fear. Not trusting the process of life. Guilt.
Affirmation: I lovingly release the day and slip into peaceful sleep, knowing tomorrow will take care of itself.

Intestines (See: Colon): Assimilation. Absorption. Elimination with ease.
Affirmation: I easily assimilate and absorb all that I need to know and release the past with joy.

Itching (Pruritis): Desires that go against the grain. Unsatisfied. Remorse. Itching to get out or get away.
Affirmation: I am at peace just where I am. I accept my good, knowing all my needs and desires will be fulfilled.

“Itis” (See: Inflammation:) Anger and frustration about conditions you are looking at in your life.
Affirmation: I am willing to change all patterns of criticism. I love and approve of myself.

Jaundice (See: Liver Problems): Internal and external prejudice. Unbalanced reason.
Affirmation: I feel tolerance and compassion and love for all people, myself included.

Jaw Problems (Temporomandibular Joint, TMJ Syndrome): Anger. Resentment. Desire for revenge.
Affirmation: I am willing to change the patterns in me that created this condition. I love and approve of myself. I am safe.

Joints( See: Arthritis, Elbow, Knee, Shoulders): Represent changes in direction in life and the ease of these movements.
Affirmation: I easily flow with change. My life is Divinely guided, and I am always going in the best direction.

Keratitis (See: Eye Problems:) Extreme anger. A desire to hit those or what you see.
Affirmation: I allow the love from my own heart to heal all that I see. I choose peace. All is well in my world.

Kidney Problems: Criticism, disappointment, failure. Shame. Reacting like a little kid.
Affirmation: Divine right action is always taking place in my life. Only good comes from each experience. It is safe to grow up.

Kidney Stones: Lumps of undissolved anger.
Affirmation: I dissolve all past problems with ease.

Knee (See: Joints): Represents pride and ego.
Affirmation: I am flexible and flowing.

Knee Problems: Stubborn ego and pride. Inability to bend. Fear. Inflexibility.Won’t give in.
Affirmation: Forgiveness. Understanding. Compassion. I bend and flow with ease, and all is well.

Laryngitis: So mad you can’t speak. Fear of speaking up. Resentment of authority.
Affirmation: I am free to ask for what I want. It is safe to express myself. I am at peace.

Left Side of Body: Represents receptivity, taking in, feminine energy, women, the mother.
Affirmation: My feminine energy is beautifully balanced.

Leg(s): Carry us forward in life.
Affirmation: Life is for me.

Leg Problems:

— Lower: Fear of the future. Not wanting to move.
Affirmation: I move forward with confidence and joy, knowing that all is well in my future.

Leprosy: Inability to handle life at all. A long-held belief in not being good enough or clean enough.
Affirmation: I rise above all limitations. I am Divinely guided and inspired. Love heals all life.

Leukemia (See: Blood Problems): Brutally killing inspiration. “What’s the use?”
Affirmation: I move beyond past limitations into the freedom of the now. It is safe to be me.

Leukorrhea (See: Female Problems, Vaginitis): A belief that women are powerless over the opposite sex. Anger at a mate.
Affirmation: I create all my experiences. I am the power. I rejoice in my femaleness. I am free.

Liver: Seat of anger and primitive emotions.
Affirmation: Love and peace and joy are what I know.

Liver Problems (See: Hepatitis, Jaundice): Chronic complaining. Justifying fault-finding to deceive yourself. Feeling bad.
Affirmation: I choose to live through the open space in my heart. I look for love and find it everywhere.

Lockjaw (See: Tetanus): Anger. A desire to control. A refusal to express feelings.
Affirmation: I trust the process of life. I easily ask for what I want. Life supports me.

Lou Gehrig’s Dis-ease (See: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

Lump in Throat (Globus Hystericus): Fear. Not trusting the process of life.
Affirmation: I am safe. I trust that Life is here for me. I express myself freely and joyously.

Lung: The ability to take in life.
Affirmation: I take in life in perfect balance.

— Problems (See: Pneumonia): Depression. Grief. Fear of taking in life. Not feeling worthy of living life fully.
Affirmation: I have the capacity to take in the fullness of life. I lovingly live life to the fullest.

Lupus (Erythematosus): A giving up. Better to die than stand up for one’s self. Anger and punishment.
Affirmation: I speak up for myself freely and easily. I claim my own power. I love and approve of myself. I am free and safe.

Lymph Problems: A warning that the mind needs to be recentered on the essentials of life. Love and joy.
Affirmation: I am now totally centered in the love and joy of being alive. I flow with life. Peace of mind is mine.

Malaria: Out of balance with nature and with life.
Affirmation: I am united and balanced with all of life. I am safe.

Mastitis See: Breast Problems

Mastoiditis: Anger and frustration. A desire not to hear what is going on. Usually in children. Fear infecting the understanding.
Affirmation: Divine peace and harmony surround and indwell me. I am an oasis of peace and love and joy. All is well in my world.

Mellitus See: Diabetes

Menopause Problems: Fear of no longer being wanted. Fear of aging. Self-rejection.Not feeling good enough.
Affirmation: I am balanced and peaceful in all changes of cycles, and I bless my body with love.

Menstrual Problems See: Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Female Problems: Rejection of one’s femininity. Guilt, fear. Belief that the genitals are sinful or dirty.
Affirmation: I accept my full power as a woman and accept all my bodily processes as normal and natural. I love and approve of myself.

Migraine Headaches See: Headaches: Dislike of being driven. Resisting the flow of life. Sexual fears. (Can usually be relieved by masturbation.)
Affirmation: I relax into the flow of life and let life provide all that I need easily and comfortably. Life is for me.

Miscarriage (Abortion, Spontaneous): Fear. Fear of the future. “Not now — later.” Inappropriate timing.
Affirmation: Divine right action is always taking place in my life. I love and approve of myself. All is well.

Mono, Mononucleosis (Pfeiffer’s Dis-ease, Glandular Fever): Anger at not receiving love and appreciation. No longer caring for the self.
Affirmation: I love and appreciate and take care of myself. I am enough.

Motion Sickness See: Car Sickness, Seasickness: Fear. Fear of not being in control.
Affirmation: I am always in control of my thoughts. I am safe. I love and approve of myself.

Mouth: Represents taking in of new ideas and nourishment.
Affirmation: I nourish myself with love.

— Problems :Set opinions. Closed mind. Incapacity to take in new ideas.
Affirmation: I welcome new ideas and new concepts and prepare them for digestion and assimilation.

Mucus Colon See: Colitis, Colon, Intestines, Spastic Colitis: Layered deposits of old, confused thoughts clogging the channel of elimination. Wallowing in the gummed mire of the past.
Affirmation: I release and dissolve the past. I am a clear thinker. I live in the now in peace and joy.

Multiple Sclerosis: Mental hardness, hard-heartedness, iron will, inflexibility. Fear.
Affirmation: By choosing loving, joyous thoughts, I create a loving, joyous world. I am safe and free.

Muscles: Resistance to new experiences. Muscles represent our ability to move in life.
Affirmation: I experience life as a joyous dance.

Muscular Dystrophy: “It’s not worth growing up.”
Affirmation: I go beyond my parents’ limitations. I am free to be the best me I can.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis See: Epstein-Barr Virus

Myocardial Infarction See: Heart Attack

Myopia See: Eye Problems: Fear of the future. Not trusting what is ahead.
Affirmation: I trust the process of life. I am safe.

Nail(s): Represent protection.
Affirmation: I reach out safely.

Nail Biting: Frustration. Eating away at the self. Spite of a parent.
Affirmation: It is safe for me to grow up. I now handle my own life with joy and with ease.

Narcolepsy: Can’t cope. Extreme fear. Wanting to get away from it all. Not wanting to be here.
Affirmation: I rely on Divine wisdom and guidance to protect me at all times. I am safe.

Nausea: Fear. Rejecting an idea or experience.Affirmation: I am safe. I trust the process of life to bring only good to me.

Nearsightedness See: Eye Problems, Myopia:

Neck (Cervical Spine): Represents flexibility. The ability to see what’s back there.
Affirmation: I am peaceful with life.

Neck Problems: Refusing to see other sides of a question. Stubbornness, inflexibility.
Affirmation: It is with flexibility and ease that I see all sides of an issue. There are endless ways of doing things and seeing things. I am safe.

Nephritis See: Bright’s Dis-ease: Overreaction to disappointment and failure.
Affirmation: Only right action is taking place in my life. I release the old and welcome the new. All is well.

Nerves: Represent communication. Receptive reporters.
Affirmation: I communicate with ease and with joy.

Nervous Breakdown: Self-centeredness. Jamming the channels of communication.
Affirmation: I open my heart and create only loving communication. I am safe. I am well.

Nervousness: Fear, anxiety, struggle, rushing. Not trusting the process of life.
Affirmation: I am on an endless journey through eternity, and there is plenty of time. I communicate with my heart. All is well.

Neuralgia: Punishment for guilt. Anguish over communication.
Affirmation: I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. I communicate with love.

Nodules: Resentment and frustration and hurt ego over career.
Affirmation: I release the pattern of delay within me, and I now allow success to be mine.

Nose: Represents self-recognition.
Affirmation: I recognize my own intuitive ability.

Bleeds: A need for recognition. Feeling unrecognized and unnoticed. Crying for love.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I recognize my own true worth. I am wonderful.

Runny: Asking for help. Inner crying.
Affirmation: I love and comfort myself in ways that are pleasing to me.

Stuffy:Not recognizing the self-worth.
Affirmation: I love and appreciate myself.

Numbness (Paresthesia): Withholding love and consideration. Going dead mentally.
Affirmation: I share my feelings and my love. I respond to love in everyone.

Osteomyelitis See: Bone Problems: Anger and frustration at the very structure of life. Feeling unsupported.
Affirmation: I am peaceful with and trust the process of life. I am safe and secure.

Osteoporosis See: Bone Problems: Feeling there is no support left in life.
Affirmation: I stand up for myself, and Life supports me in unexpected, loving ways.

Ovaries: Represent point of creation. Creativity.
Affirmation: I am balanced in my creative flow.

Overweight See: Fat: Fear, need for protection. Running away from feelings. Insecurity, self-rejection. Seeking fulfillment.
Affirmation: I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe where I am. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.

Paget’s Dis-ease: Feeling there is no longer any foundation to build on. “Nobody cares.”
Affirmation: I know I am supported by Life in grand and glorious ways. Life loves me and cares for me.

Pain: Guilt. Guilt always seeks punishment.
Affirmation: I lovingly release the past. They are free and I am free. All is well in my heart now.

Palsy See: Bell’s Palsy, Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s Dis-ease: Paralyzing thoughts. Getting stuck.
Affirmation: I am a free thinker, and I have wonderful experiences with ease and with joy.

Pancreas: Represents the sweetness of life. My life is sweet.

Pancreatitis: Rejection. Anger and frustration because life seems to have lost its sweetness.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself, and I alone create sweetness and joy in my life.

Paralysis (See: Palsy): Fear. Terror. Escaping a situation or person. Resistance.
Affirmation: I am one with all of life. I am totally adequate for all situations.

Parasites: Giving power to others, letting them take over.
Affirmation: I lovingly take back my power and eliminate all interference.

Paresthesia (See: Numbness)

Parkinson’s Dis-ease (See: Palsy): Fear and an intense desire to control everything and everyone.
Affirmation: I relax knowing that I am safe. Life is for me, and I trust the process of life.

Peptic Ulcer (See: Heartburn, Stomach Problems, Ulcers): Fear. A belief that you are not good enough. Anxious to please.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am at peace with myself. I am wonderful.

Periodontitis See: Pyorrhea

Petit Mal See: Epilepsy

Pfeiffer’s Dis-ease See: Mononucleosis

Phlebitis: Anger and frustration. Blaming others for the limitation and lack of joy in life.
Affirmation: Joy now flows freely within me, and I am at peace with life.

Piles See: Hemorrhoids

Pimples See: Blackheads, Whiteheads: Small outbursts of anger.
Affirmation: I calm my thoughts, and I am serene.

Pink Eye See: Conjunctivitis: Anger and frustration. Not wanting to see.
Affirmation: I release the need to be right. I am at peace. I love and approve of myself.

Pituitary Gland: Represents the control center.
Affirmation: My mind and body are in perfect balance. I control my thoughts.

Plantar Wart: Anger at the very basis of your understanding. Spreading frustration about the future.
Affirmation: I move forward with confidence and ease. I trust and flow with the process of life.

Pneumonia See: Lung Problems: Desperate. Tired of life. Emotional wounds that are not allowed to heal.
Affirmation: I freely take in Divine ideas that are filled with the breath and the intelligence of Life. This is a new moment.

Poison Ivy: Feeling defenseless and open to attack.
Affirmation: I am powerful, safe, and secure. All is well.

Poison Oak See: Poison Ivy

Polio: Paralyzing jealousy. A desire to stop someone.
Affirmation: There is enough for everyone. I create my good and my freedom with loving thoughts.

Post-Nasal Drip: Inner crying. Childish tears. Victim.
Affirmation: I acknowledge and accept that I am the creative power in my world. I now choose to enjoy my life.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): Allowing confusion to reign. Giving power to outside influences. Rejection of the feminine processes.
Affirmation: I now take charge of my mind and my life. I am a powerful, dynamic woman! Every part of my body functions perfectly. I love me.

Prostate: Represents the masculine principle.
Affirmation: I accept and rejoice in my masculinity.

Prostate Problems: Mental fears weaken the masculinity. Giving up. Sexual pressure and guilt. Belief in aging.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I accept my own power. I am forever young in spirit.

Pruritis See: Itching

Pruritis Ani See: Anus

Psoriasis See: Skin Problems: Fear of being hurt. Deadening the senses of the self. Refusing to accept responsibility for our own feelings.
Affirmation: I am alive to the joys of living. I deserve and accept the very best in life. I love and approve of myself.

Psychiatric Illness See: Insanity

Pubic Bone: Represents genital protection.
Affirmation: My sexuality is safe.

Pyelonephritis See: Urinary Infections

Pyorrhea (Periodontitis): Anger at the inability to make decisions. Wishy-washy people.
Affirmation: I approve of myself, and my decisions are always perfect for me.

Quinsy (Peritonsillar Abscess) See: Sore Throat, Tonsillitis: A strong belief that you cannot speak up for yourself and ask for your needs.
Affirmation: It is my birthright to have my needs met. I now ask for what I want with love and with ease.

Rabies: Anger. A belief that violence is the answer.
Affirmation: I am surrounded and indwelled with peace.

Rash See: Hives: Irritation over delays. Babyish way to get attention.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am at peace with the process of life.

Rectum See: Anus

Respiratory Ailments See: Bronchitis, Colds, Coughs, Influenza: Fear of taking in life fully.
Affirmation: I am safe. I love my life.

Rheumatism: Feeling victimized. Lack of love. Chronic bitterness. Resentment.
Affirmation: I create my own experiences. As I love and approve of myself and others, my experiences get better and better.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Deep criticism of authority. Feeling very put upon.
Affirmation: I am my own authority. I love and approve of myself. Life is good.

Rickets: Emotional malnutrition. Lack of love and security. I am secure and am nourished by the love of the Universe itself.

Right Side of Body:Giving out, letting go, masculine energy, men, the father.
Affirmation: I balance my masculine energy easily and effortlessly.

Ringworm:Allowing others to get under your skin. Not feeling good enough or clean enough.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. No person, place, or thing has any power over me. I am free.

Root Canal See: Teeth: Can’t bite into anything anymore. Root beliefs being destroyed.
Affirmation: I create firm foundations for myself and for my life. I choose my beliefs to support me joyously.

Round Shoulders See: Shoulders, Spinal Curvature: Carrying the burdens of life. Helpless and hopeless.
Affirmation: I stand tall and free. I love and approve of me. My life gets better every day.

Sagging Lines: Sagging lines on the face come from sagging thoughts in the mind. Resentment of life.
Affirmation: I express the joy of living and allow myself to enjoy every moment of every day totally. I become young again.

Scabies: Infected thinking. Allowing others to get under your skin.
Affirmation: I am the living, loving, joyous expression of life. I am my own person.

Sciatica: Being hypocritical. Fear of money and of the future.
Affirmation: I move into my greater good. My good is everywhere, and I am secure and safe.

Scleroderma: Protecting the self from life. Not trusting yourself to be there and to take care of yourself.
Affirmation: I relax completely for I now know I am safe. I trust Life and I trust myself.

Scoliosis See: Round Shoulders, Spinal Curvature

Scratches: Feeling life tears at you, that life is a ripoff. That you are being ripped off.
Affirmation: I am grateful for life’s generosity to me. I am blessed.

Seasickness See: Motion Sickness: Fear. Fear of death. Lack of control.
Affirmation: I am totally safe in the Universe. I am at peace everywhere. I trust Life.

Seizures: Running away from the family, from the self, or from life.
Affirmation: I am at home in the Universe. I am safe and secure and understood.

Senility See: Alzheimer’s Dis-ease: Returning to the so-called safety of childhood. Demanding care and attention. A form of control of those around you. Escapism.
Affirmation: Divine protection. Safety. Peace. The Intelligence of the Universe operates at every level of life.

Shin(s): Breaking down ideals. Shins represent the standards of life.
Affirmation: I live up to my highest standards with love and with joy.

Shingles (Varicella): Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Fear and tension. Too sensitive.
Affirmation: I am relaxed and peaceful because I trust the process of life. All is well in my world.

Shoulders See: Joints, Round Shoulders: Represent our ability to carry out experiences in life joyously.
Affirmation: We make life a burden by our attitude. I choose to allow all my experiences to be joyous and loving.

Sickle Cell Anemia: A belief that one is not good enough, which destroys the very joy of life.
Affirmation: This child lives and breathes the joy of life and is nourished by love. God works miracles every day.

Sinus Problems (Sinusitis): Irritation to one person, someone close.
Affirmation: I declare peace and harmony indwell me and surround me at all times. All is well.

Skeleton See: Bones: Crumbling of structure. Bones represent the structure of your life.
Affirmation: I am strong and sound. I am well structured.

Skin: Protects our individuality. A sense organ.
Affirmation: I feel safe to be me.

Skin Problems See: Hives, Psoriasis, Rash: Anxiety, fear. Old, buried guck. I am being threatened.
Affirmation: I lovingly protect myself with thoughts of joy and peace. The past is forgiven and forgotten. I am free in this moment.

Slipped Disc: Feeling totally unsupported by Life. Indecisive.
Affirmation: Life supports all of my thoughts; therefore, I love and approve of myself and all is well.

Snoring: Stubborn refusal to let go of old patterns.
Affirmation: I release all that is unlike love and joy in my mind. I move from the past into the new and fresh and vital.

Solar Plexus: Gut reactions. Center of our intuitive power.
Affirmation: I trust my inner voice. I am strong, wise, and powerful.

Sore Throat See: Quinsy, Throat,Tonsillitis: Holding in angry words. Feeling unable to express the self.
Affirmation: I release all restrictions, and I am free to be me.

Sores: Unexpressed anger that settles in.
Affirmation: I express my emotions in joyous, positive ways.

Spasms: Tightening our thoughts through fear.
Affirmation: I release, I relax, and I let go. I am safe in life.

Spastic Colitis See: Colitis, Colon, Intestines, Mucus Colon: Fear of letting go. Insecurity.
Affirmation: It is safe for me to live. Life will always provide for me. All is well.

Spinal Curvature (Scoliosis Kyphosis) See: Round Shoulders: The inability to flow with the support of Life. Fear and trying to hold on to old ideas. Not trusting life. Lack of integrity.No courage of conviction.
Affirmation: I release all fears. I now trust the process of life. I know that life is for me. I stand straight and tall with love.

Spinal Meningitis: Inflamed thinking and rage at life.
Affirmation: I release all blame and accept the peacefulness and joy of life.

Spine: Flexible support of life.
Affirmation: I am supported by Life.

Spleen: Obsessions. Being obsessed about things.
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I trust the process of life to be there for me. I am safe. All is well.

Sprains: Anger and resistance. Not wanting to move in a certain direction in life.
Affirmation: I trust the process of life to take me only to my highest good. I am at peace.

Sterility: Fear and resistance to the process of life, OR not needing to go through the parenting experience.
Affirmation: I trust in the process of life. I am always in the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time. I love and approve of myself.

Stiff Neck See: Neck Problems: Unbending bullheadedness.
Affirmation: It is safe to see other viewpoints.

Stiffness: Rigid, stiff thinking.
Affirmation: I am safe enough to be flexible in my mind.

Stomach: Holds nourishment. Digests ideas.
Affirmation: I digest life with ease.

Stomach Problems See: Gastritis, Heartburn, Peptic Ulcer, Ulcers: Dread. Fear of the new. Inability to assimilate the new.
Affirmation: Life agrees with me. I assimilate the new every moment of every day. All is well.

Stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident/CVA): Giving up. Resistance. “Rather die than change.” Rejection of life.
Affirmation: Life is change, and I adapt easily to the new. I accept life — past, present, and future.

Stuttering: Insecurity. Lack of self-expression. Not being allowed to cry.
Affirmation: I am free to speak up for myself. I am now secure in my own expression. I communicate only with love.

Sty See: Eye Problems: Looking at life through angry eyes. Angry at someone.
Affirmation: I choose to see everyone and everything with joy and love.

Suicide: See life only in black and white. Refusal to see another way out.
Affirmation: I live in the totality of possibilities. There is always another way. I am safe.

Swelling See: Edema, Holding Fluids: Being stuck in thinking. Clogged, painful ideas.
Affirmation: My thoughts flow freely and easily. I move through ideas with ease.

Syphilis See: Venereal Dis-ease: Giving away your power and effectiveness.
Affirmation: I decide to be me. I approve of myself as I am.

Tapeworm: Strong belief in being a victim and unclean. Helpless to the seeming attitudes of others.
Affirmation: Others only reflect the good feelings I have about myself. I love and approve of all that I am.

Teeth: Represent decisions.

Problems See: Root Canal: Long-standing indecisiveness. Inability to break down ideas for analysis and decisions.
Affirmation: I make my decisions based on the principles of truth, and I rest securely knowing that only right action is taking place in my life.

Temporomandibular Joint See: Jaw Problems

Testicles: Masculine principles. Masculinity.
Affirmation: It is safe to be a man.

Tetanus See: Lockjaw: A need to release angry, festering thoughts.
Affirmation: I allow the love from my own heart to wash through me and cleanse and heal every part of my body and my emotions.

Throat: Avenue of expression. Channel of creativity.
Affirmation: I open my heart and sing the joys of love.

Problems See: Sore Throat: The inability to speak up for one’s self. Swallowed anger. Stifled creativity. Refusal to change.
Affirmation: It’s okay to make noise. I express myself freely and joyously. I speak up for myself with ease. I express my creativity. I am willing to change.

Thrush See: Candida, Mouth, Yeast Infections: Anger over making the wrong decisions.
Affirmation: I lovingly accept my decisions, knowing I am free to change. I am safe.

Thymus: Master gland of the immune system. Feeling attacked by Life. They are out to get me.
Affirmation: My loving thoughts keep my immune system strong. I am safe inside and out. I hear myself with love.

Thyroid See: Goiter, Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism: Humiliation. “I never get to do what I want to do. When is it going to be my turn?”
Affirmation: I move beyond old limitations and now allow myself to express freely and creatively.

Tics, Twitches: Fear. A feeling of being watched by others.
Affirmation: I am approved of by all of Life. All is well. I am safe.

Tinnitus: Refusal to listen. Not hearing the inner voice. Stubbornness.
Affirmation: I trust my Higher Self. I listen with love to my inner voice. I release all that is unlike the action of love.

Toes: Represent the minor details of the future.
Affirmation: All details take care of themselves.

Tongue: Represents the ability to taste the pleasures of life with joy.
Affirmation: I rejoice in all of my life’s bountiful givingness.

Tonsillitis See: Quinsy, Sore Throat: Fear. Repressed emotions. Stifled creativity.
Affirmation: My good now flows freely. Divine ideas express through me. I am at peace.

Tuberculosis: Wasting away from selfishness. Possessive. Cruel thoughts. Revenge.
Affirmation: As I love and approve of myself, I create a joyful, peaceful world to live in.

Tumors: Nursing old hurts and shocks. Building remorse.
Affirmation: I lovingly release the past and turn my attention to this new day. All is well.

Ulcers See: Heartburn, Peptic Ulcer, Stomach Problems: Fear. A strong belief that you are not good enough. What is eating away at you?
Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am at peace. I am calm. All is well.

Urethritis: Angry, emotions. Being pissed off. Blame.
Affirmation: I only create joyful experiences in my life.

Urinary Infections (Cystitis, Pyelonephritis): Pissed off. Usually at the opposite sex or a lover. Blaming others.
Affirmation: I release the pattern in my consciousness that created this condition. I am willing to change. I love and approve of myself.

Urticaria See: Hives

Uterus: Represents the home of creativity.
Affirmation: I am at home in my body.

Vaginitis See: Female Problems, Leukorrhea: Anger at a mate. Sexual guilt. Punishing the self.
Affirmation: Others mirror the love and self-approval I have for myself. I rejoice in my sexuality.

Varicella See: Shingles

Varicose Veins: Standing in a situation you hate. Discouragement. Feeling overworked and overburdened.
Affirmation: I stand in truth and live and move in joy. I love Life, and circulate freely.

Vasovagal Attack See: Fainting

Venereal Dis-ease See: AIDS, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Syphilis: Sexual guilt. Need for punishment. Belief that the genitals are sinful or dirty. Abusing another.
Affirmation: I lovingly and joyously accept my sexuality and its expression. I accept only thoughts that support me and make me feel good.

Vertigo See: Dizziness

Viral Infections See: Infection: Lack of joy flowing through life. Bitterness.
Affirmation: I lovingly allow joy to flow freely in my life. I love me.

Vitiligo: Feeling completely outside of things. Not belonging. Not one of the group.
Affirmation: I am at the very center of Life, and I am totally connected in Love.

Vomiting: Violent rejection of ideas. Fear of the new.
Affirmation: I digest life safely and joyously. Only good comes to me and through me.

Vulva: Represents vulnerability.
Affirmation: It is safe to be vulnerable.

Warts: Little expressions of hate. Belief in ugliness.
Affirmation: I am the love and the beauty of Life in full expression.

Weakness: A need for mental rest.
Affirmation: I give my mind a joyous vacation.

Whiteheads See: Pimples: Hiding ugliness.
Affirmation: I accept myself as beautiful and loved.

Wisdom Tooth, Impacted: Not giving yourself mental space to create a firm foundation.
Affirmation: I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of space for me to grow and to change.

Wounds See: Cuts, Injuries: Anger and guilt at the self.
Affirmation: I forgive myself, and I choose to love myself.

Wrist: Represents movement and ease.
Affirmation: I handle all my experiences with wisdom, with love, and with ease.

Yeast Infections See: Candida, Thrush: Denying your own needs. Not supporting yourself.
Affirmation: I now choose to support myself in loving, joyous ways


In the infinity of life where I am,
all is perfect, whole, and complete.
I accept health as the natural state of my being.
I now consciously release any mental patterns within me
that could express as dis-ease in any way.
I love and approve of myself.
I love and approve of my body.
I feed it nourishing foods and beverages.
I exercise it in ways that are fun.
I recognize my body as a wondrous and magnificent machine,
and I feel privileged to live in it.
I love lots of energy.
All is well in my world.
A list of Affirmations:

A list of Affirmations Which can relax and heal the parts of your body:

FACE: (Acne): I love and accept myself where I am right now. I am wonderful.

BRAIN: All of life is change. My growth patterns are ever new.

SINUSES: I am one with all of life. No one has the power to irritate me unless I allow it. Peace, harmony. I deny any beliefs in calendars.

EYES: I am free. I look ahead freely because life is eternal and filled with joy. I see with loving eyes. No one can ever hurt me.

THROAT: I can speak for myself. I express myself freely. I am creative. I speak with love.

LUNGS: The breath of life flows easily through me. (Bronchitis): Peace. No one can irritate me. (Asthma): I am free to take charge of my life.

HEART: Joy, love, peace. I joyfully accept life.

LIVER: I let go of everything that I no longer need. My consciousness is now cleansed and my concepts are fresh, new, and vital. 

LARGE INTESTINES: I am free; I release the past. Life flows easily through me. (Hemorrhoids): I release all pressure and burdens. I live in the joyous present.

GENITALS: (Impotence): Power, I allow the full potential of my sexual principle to operate with ease and joy. I lovingly and joyously accept my sexuality. There is no guilt and no punishment.

KNEE: Forgiveness, tolerance, compassion. I move forward without hesitation.

SKIN: I get attention in positive ways. I am secure. No one threatens my individuality. I am at peace. The world is safe and friendly. I release all anger and resentment. Whatever I need will always be here. I accept my good without guilt. I am peaceful with all the little things in life.

BACK: Life itself supports me. I trust the universe. I freely give love and trust. Lower back: I trust the universe. I am courageous and independent.

HEAD: Peace, love, joy, relaxation. I relax into the flow of life and let life flow through me with ease.

EARS: I listen to God. I hear the joys of life. I am part of life. I listen with love.

MOUTH: I am a decisive person. I follow through. I welcome new ideas and new concepts.

NECK: I am flexible. I welcome other viewpoints.

SHOULDERS: (Bursitis): I release anger in harmless ways. Love releases and relaxes. Life is joyous and free; all that I accept is good.

HANDS: I handle all ideas with love and ease.

FINGERS: I relax, knowing the wisdom of life takes care of all details.

STOMACH: I assimilate new ideas easily. Life agrees with me; nothing can irritate me. I am calm.

KIDNEYS: I seek only good everywhere. Right action is taking place. I am fulfilled.

BLADDER: I release the old and welcome the new.

PELVIS: (Vaginitis); Forms and channels may change but love is never lost. (Menstrual): I am balanced in all changes of cycles. I bless my body with love. All parts of my body are beautiful.

HIP: I joyfully move forward supported and sustained by the power of life. I move into my greater good. I am secure. (Arthritis): Love. Forgiveness. I let others be themselves and I am free.

GLANDS: I am in total balance. My system is in order. I love life and circulate freely.

FEET: I stand in truth. I move forward with joy. I have spiritual understanding.


I really hope that the Louise Hay list of symptoms will be part of your healing path!

For more information get Heal Your Body by Louise Hay  here:





















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Stressed out? This ancient Japanese technique can help you relax in less than 5 minutes.

❤️ Stressed out? This ancient Japanese technique can help you relax in less than 5 minutes.

Stress is all around you. It’s your biggest enemy, extremely harmful to your health and lifestyle. In the following article, we will explore an ancient Japanese technique for self-relaxation that is proved to reduce stress levels swiftly and can be practiced virtually everywhere.

Before we start, you must know that every finger on your hand corresponds to a certain emotion.

The thumb – Worries. It helps you fight anxiety.

The index finger – Fear. It helps you fight fear.

The middle finger – Anger. It helps you control your anger.

The ring finger – Sadness. It fights off depression and helps in times of uncertainty.

The pinky – Confidence. It builds up your confidence and helps you feel more optimistic.

Without further ado, let me introduce you to this easy technique:

To harmonize the energy in your body, grab one of your fingers with your other hand for a couple of minutes. Repeat on all of your digits. When you feel a tingling, pulsating sensation you will know that this simple remedy is working.

To calm your mind, you could simply apply pressure to your palm for at least a minute.

Practice this ancient Japanese technique once daily to find yourself calmer, more balanced, and less stressed.

Life is Wonderful! You are Wonderful!


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❤️ 4 times of day when it is crucial that you drink water. When to drink water?

❤️ 4 times of day when it is crucial that you drink water. When to drink water?

Water is life.

This statement is so obvious, yet it is so easily forgotten. Seventy percent of the surface of our lovely planet is covered with water. Our bodies are made up of the same percentage of water as Earth. Water is crucial for every metabolic process that takes place in our bodies. It is a part of every biochemical process. Water is also very important for every process that occurs inside us. Those are some of the numerous reasons why it’s vital to our well-being that we stay hydrated. A well-hydrated person is a happy person.

When to drink water? Which are the four times of day when you must hydrate?

1. The moment you wake up.

That is the most important time of day to drink water. After you wake up, brush your teeth and drink two glasses of warm water. Neither hot nor cold but warm – around 35 to 45 degrees Celsius. This is close to the temperature of the body. Doing this will clean up all of the toxins that were built up inside your guts during the night. It literally acts as a shower for your insides.

The water wakes your body up in the morning, gets us ready to move.

This will cleanse your nervous system, reduce stress and tension.

Why use warm water?

Well, would you wash your greasy dishes with cold water? Thought so. Warm water is truly powerful when it comes to cleaning, both dirty dishes and the toxins inside your body.

when you must hydrate 2. Half an hour before having anything to eat.

If you have a glass of water before having food, you will boost your metabolism, and you will prepare it for the upcoming meal. Water will also help you feel more full with less food. This comes in handy when you want to keep in shape.

3. Right after taking a shower or a bath.

Drinking water after having a shower is really good for keeping the body hydrated. This will help clear your skin and will also help regulate your blood pressure.

4. Having water with your coffee.

Everyone loves a good cup of coffee! But we also know how quickly our body gets dehydrated after we consume coffee. Water will naturally help balance this dehydration. Make it a habit to enjoy your coffee with a glass of water on the side.

Hydrating the body is imperative for the proper function of our cells.

You know that our bodies cannot survive long with the lack of water. Also, knowing that younger people have a higher percentage of water, make sure to stay well-hydrated.

Last but not least:

You mustn’t consume a lot of liquids after 19:00.

Your liver is most active between 17 and 19 o’clock. After 7 pm, the liver is not very active, so you make it harder for the body to process the water.

The Flow Guy





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no one owes you anything

❤️ A Gift for My Daughter – No one owes you anything

The Christmas letter you have to reread every year

It’s Christmas and I have the usual problem of deciding what to give you. I know you might enjoy many things — books, games, clothes.

But I’m very selfish. I want to give you something that will stay with you for more than a few months or years. I want to give you a gift that might remind you of me every Christmas.

If I could give you just one thing, I’d want it to be a simple truth that took me many years to learn. If you learn it now, it may enrich your life in hundreds of ways. And it may prevent you from facing many problems that have hurt people who have never learned it.

The truth is simply this:

No one owes you anything.


How could such a simple statement be important? It may not seem so, but understanding it can bless your entire life.


No one owes you anything.

It means that no one else is living for you, my child. Because no one is you. Each person is living for himself; his own happiness is all he can ever personally feel.

When you realize that no one owes you happiness or anything else, you’ll be freed from expecting what isn’t likely to be.

It means no one has to love you. If someone loves you, it’s because there’s something special about you that gives him happiness. Find out what that something special is and try to make it stronger in you, so that you’ll be loved even more.

When people do things for you, it’s because they want to — because you, in some way, give them something meaningful that makes them want to please you, not because anyone owes you anything.

No one has to like you. If your friends want to be with you, it’s not out of duty. Find out what makes others happy so they’ll want to be near you.

No one has to respect you. Some people may even be unkind to you. But once you realize that people don’t have to be good to you, and may not be good to you, you’ll learn to avoid those who would harm you. For you don’t owe them anything either.

Living your Life
No one owes you anything.

You owe it to yourself to be the best person possible. Because if you are, others will want to be with you, want to provide you with the things you want in exchange for what you’re giving to them.

Some people will choose not to be with you for reasons that have nothing to do with you. When that happens, look elsewhere for the relationships you want. Don’t make someone else’s problem your problem.

Once you learn that you must earn the love and respect of others, you’ll never expect the impossible and you won’t be disappointed. Others don’t have to share their property with you, nor their feelings or thoughts.

If they do, it’s because you’ve earned these things. And you have every reason to be proud of the love you receive, your friends’ respect, the property you’ve earned. But don’t ever take them for granted. If you do, you could lose them. They’re not yours by right; you must always earn them.

My Experience

A great burden was lifted from my shoulders the day I realized that no one owes me anything. For so long as I’d thought there were things I was entitled to, I’d been wearing myself out — physically and emotionally — trying to collect them.

No one owes me moral conduct, respect, friendship, love, courtesy, or intelligence. And once I recognized that, all my relationships became far more satisfying. I’ve focused on being with people who want to do the things I want them to do.

That understanding has served me well with friends, business associates, lovers, sales prospects, and strangers. It constantly reminds me that I can get what I want only if I can enter the other person’s world. I must try to understand how he thinks, what he believes to be important, what he wants. Only then can I appeal to someone in ways that will bring me what I want.

And only then can I tell whether I really want to be involved with someone. And I can save the important relationships for those with whom I have the most in common.

It’s not easy to sum up in a few words what has taken me years to learn. But maybe if you re-read this gift each Christmas, the meaning will become a little clearer every year.

I hope so, for I want more than anything else for you to understand this simple truth that can set you free: no one owes you anything.

Harry Browne

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change your life

❤️ 5 ways to change your life for better

Most people approach their lives from a victim’s perspective.

When something doesn’t work out, it’s someone else’s fault. When their career goes awry, when they fail, or when the result doesn’t materialize, they are never to be blamed. These people let external circumstances decide their fate. They live by default.

And there are those who immediately grab every situation by the horns.

They already wake up with a plan, they clearly understand their goals, they know what needs to be done, and when something does not work out, they start analyzing what they did wrong. They know that success is a process, and they are willing to go through the process, knowing that it will lead to something greater. These people create the life they want to live and accept nothing less.

It’s easy to follow bad habits that lead to life by default. It happens all the time.

People say, “I want to lose weight,” and put another handful of crisps in their mouths.
People say, “I want to get up early,” while hitting the snooze button ten times.
People say, ‘I’m not happy with my work,’ but they don’t make any lifestyle changes – they just expect it to change on its own.

So if you would like to change your life read the 5 important tools below:
1. Write your main goal on a sheet of paper.

Write down your goal on a piece of paper, and then repeat it out loud every morning and every night.It may sound silly, but try it for a month and see what happens. This firmly implants in your subconscious what you are working on and helps attract into your life what you need to bring it to life.

2. Surround yourself with people you want to be like.

People who live by default live around people who live by default. Similarly, people who create their own lives live next to people who live the same way.

Choose your friends carefully.

As the saying goes, “You are a reflection of the five people you spend the most time with.”Ensure that the people who fill your life and your time are people who live up to your principles. Ideally, these people should be even slightly ahead of you, forcing you to keep growing in the direction you want to go.

3. Set goals and achieve them.

Set goals.

Setting goals is easy, but very few people follow through with them. People who make their own lives practice the habit of setting goals and achieving them. No matter how big or how small, they set goals and achieve them. This constant practice allows them to set bigger and bigger goals and see them through to completion.

4. Don’t be afraid to go your own way.

If you want to design your life, you must be willing to let go of people and environments that no longer serve a standard way of thinking. Everyone will insist that you are “crazy.” Everyone will point and share their opinions, and then somewhere in the future, they will all come back. They will see the life you have built for yourself and ask how you did it.

5. Be disciplined.

If you really want to Create your life, you must exercise discipline.

be disciplined, set goals This is important because the problem with a number in life comes down to saying no. To be who you think you are, to get where you want to go, you have to say “no” a hundred times more often than you say the word “yes”. You have to stay true to yourself and your mission, and the only way to do that is to have a powerful sense of self-awareness and discipline. The best way is to create habits in your life that you will never give up to anyone.

These habits are much more than just actions in themselves.Take going to the gym, for example. Depending on how you feel about it, it’s not just ‘the gym’. It’s a practice that you commit to every day, and it’s through this commitment, you make very clear (to yourself and others) what you want and don’t want to do.

Take good care of your time.

Create your life.




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meditation for beginners


Meditation for beginners aims to provide easy meditation tips to your daily practice.. Meditation is the art of focusing 100% on an area. Practicing it brings multiple health benefits, such as increased concentration, reduced anxiety, and an overall sense of happiness.

Although many have tried meditation at some point in their lives, only a few continue this practice in the long run. It is unfortunate, and the probable reason is that most beginners do not start with the necessary setting to turn meditation into a sustainable, useful practice. So use this meditation guide for beginners in order to start your journey into meditation.

The purpose of this article is to provide 20 practical meditation tips to help beginners overcome initial difficulties and make meditation a part of their daily routine

Meditation for beginners
20 meditation tips for beginners:

  1. Make meditation a regular practice. The only way to go to the next level in meditation is to set a time to be alone and calm (1 or 2 times a day).
  2. meditation for beginners Start breathing. Deep breathing slows the pulse, relaxes the muscles, focuses the mind, and is ideal for starting your meditation practice.
  3. Stretch first. Stretching relaxes muscles and ligaments by allowing you to sit (or lie down) more comfortably. Also, stretching initiates the process of “traveling inward” and further draws attention to the body.
  4. Meditate on purpose. Beginners need to understand that meditation is an ACTIVE process. The art of focusing on a specific point is a difficult task, and therefore you need to be more focused!
  5. Notice when the feeling of helplessness creeps into you. And accept it! This is quite common among beginners, and they begin to ask, “Hey, what am I doing here?” Or “Why can’t I calm my damn mind yet?” When this happens, just focus on your breathing and release the feeling of helplessness. Give your thoughts a right to exist and just watch them instead of getting angry at them. Acceptance is the most direct path to any success!
  6. Experiment. Although many of us imagine real meditation as sitting in the Lotus position under a tree, beginners need to experiment more and try different meditation types. Try sitting, lying down, with eyes open or closed, etc. There are no hard and fast rules here. The important thing is to befriend the process!
  7. Feel all parts of your body. It is an excellent practice for beginners to pay attention to their bodies when the meditative state begins to envelop them. Once the mind has calmed down, focus all your attention on the feet, and slowly move up the body (including the internal organs). This is very healthy and shows that you are on the right track.
  8. Choose a specific room in your home where you can meditate. It is best if it is different from the room where you work, play sports, or sleep. Place candles and other spiritual items to help you relax. If that’s still not possible … set aside just a corner to charge with that energy. There is always a way. Don’t let circumstances stop you.
  9. Read a book (or two) about meditation. For some of you, it may be helpful to read an instruction manual or a book that talks about the meaning of deep meditation. This will motivate you.
  10. Commit to the long term. Meditation is a lifelong practice, and you will benefit most if you do NOT measure the results daily. Just do the best you can every day and then get rid of the thought.
  11. Listen to meditations online, meditation discs, or visit a place where someone guides you through the process. This is the fastest way to feel the experience!
  12. Create moments of awareness during the day. Feel your breathing and be “present here and now” – even when you are not in your meditation time. This is a great way to improve your meditation habits and relax your mind.
  13. Make sure you are not disturbed. One of the biggest mistakes that beginners make is not providing suitable conditions for meditation. If you constantly think that the phone may ring, the kids may wake up, or the kettle may blow, you will not achieve a state of deep relaxation.
    ❤️ Meditation – touching the Divine
    There are often ups and downs in our lives, success, failure, gain, loss, joy and disappointment, pain,
  14. Notice the small signs of adjustment. For beginners, even the slightest physical movement can turn meditation from disturbing to refreshing. These signs of adjustment could go almost unnoticed by a bystander, but they can be extremely important to your practice. Notice your every progress and every response of the body, and be grateful for them!
  15. Use a candle. Closed-eye meditation could be a big challenge for a beginner. Lighting a candle and using it as a focal point will allow you to increase your attention with the help of a visual sign. This can be very powerful.
  16. DO NOT stress out. This is probably the most important piece of advice for beginners, but it is the most difficult to follow. Whatever happens during your meditation, don’t worry about it. You may feel nervous before meditation or angry after it. Meditation is what it is, and just do the best you can at the moment. These reactions are part of the cleansing process, and just try to accept them with gratitude!
  17. Make it together. Meditating with a loved one can have many excellent benefits and improve your practice. Still – it is advisable to agree on some basic rules before you start so that there is no unnecessary stress.
  18. Meditate early in the morning. Undoubtedly, the early morning is the ideal time to practice: it is quieter, your mind is not full of everyday problems, and the chance of being disturbed is less. Make it a habit to get up half an hour early to meditate.
  19. Finally, be grateful. After you finish the practice, take 2-3 minutes to thank for the opportunity to meditate, focus, and relax your mind. Thanks to this tool that helps you find and love yourself.
  20. Notice when your interest in meditation begins to wane. Meditation is a difficult task, and you will undoubtedly reach a point where it will no longer fit into your overall picture. THIS is when you need your practice the most, and it is advisable to then return to the practice or even intensify it. Usually, the fact that you lose your ability to focus on meditation is related to your inability to focus on other areas of your life!

meditation guide for beginners, meditation tips Meditation is a beautiful practice, but it can be challenging at first. Use the meditation tips described in this article to go to the next level and reap a new sense of life and inner peace!


Is meditation for anxiety working? Yes, basically every meditative practice will help diminishing anxiety and stress in your daily life, especially if you add it in your daily arsenal of tools. 



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